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Talking Tree
Wednesday, 16 March 2005
Mood:  happy
Topic: My wanderings
Wow, there are some nice places on this earth, and Chefchaouen is one of them. J and I went up north last week-end, and got to visit this little town nested between the mountains. It - is - beau-ti-ful!!
Many things almost convinced us to not go there: the reputation of the place, as a drug-selling center and someone told J that there are cases of meningitis found there.Brrr!
Good thing we didn't come across any drug dealer nor human-biting disease-spreading insect.
The place is soooo romantic and sooo cute! The people there are charming and so nice. An ongoing atmosphere of feast was reigning in the place. So happy and warm.
The colours around are gorgeous, everywhere you can see white-and-blue or white-and-purple houses, hotels and other types of buiilding.
We visited the Kasbah and the museum inside of it.
Leaving Chefchaouen almost broke our hearts. And we would seize the next smallest opportunity to make a trip again to this enchanting city.

Posted by kiki at 4:23 PM GMT
Updated: Wednesday, 16 March 2005 4:59 PM GMT

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