Home : African Proverbs and Wisdom
Akili ni ndonge.
Sheng (Kenya) English translation: Use of brains begets wealth. |
Wax soxu fetal la; su reccee, dabu ko wees.
Wolof (Senegal) English translation: Words are like bullets; if they escape, you can’t catch them again |
Ichifulala uka si chitisi kulemesha inzuusi
Fipa (Tanzania) English translation: One who bathes willingly with cold water doesn't feel the cold. |
Akili ni mali.
Swahili (Kenya) English translation: Use of brains begets wealth. |
Amaadhi amasabe tigamala ndigho.
Soga and Ganda (Uganda) English translation: Water that has been begged for does not quench the thirst. |
Kud mbelawa a hada a hwad
Mafa (Cameroon) English translation: The tears of the orphan run inside. |
Anyeminu ni le kusum le, ledzi moni ke onukpai yeo nii.
Ga (Ghana) English translation: The brother or sister who does not respect the traditions of the elders will not be allowed to eat with the elders. |
Kitacakari nyakook ewonit ngibaren.
Toposa English translation: An empty stomach can make a person lose his or her cattle; that is, when the stomach is empty the legs become weak and you can't run after your animals. |
Anayeoga maji kwa hiari yake hata hisi baridi.
Swahili (Tanzania) English translation: One who bathes willingly with cold water doesn't feel the cold. |
Ngora inlingino nanine; ndobagi nalobehe ngoba.
Nuba-Tira (Sudan) English translation: Cows are born with ears; later they grow horns. |
Chigau ndi ku mupozwa.
Tonga (Malawi) English translation: Young growing cuttings determine a good harvest of cassava. |